Child Pornography: Who Is Actually Harmed


DISCLAIMER: The author’s opinions and arguments belong to the author alone and are not reflective of The Libertarian publication, its editors, or other contributors.

*Warning: some of the hyperlinks in this article go to video links which depict violent crimes that some people may find distressing.

“Just as every husband needs a wife, every child needs a parent, and every teacher needs a pupil, so every crime needs a victim. Not a potential victim or possible victim or a supposed victim, but an actual victim”

If there is no victim, there is no crime.

Does mere possession of an image harm anyone? What if that image is of a crime, are you then harming anyone? What if you “enjoy” looking at the image of a crime, is someone harmed now? Do any of the preceding questions violate the “Non-Aggression Principle”?

Personally, I feel children cannot consent to sex, and certainly do not consent to having footage of their abuse used by private adults, whether it’s for profit or not. This argument is also true of an assault or murder victim, who also neither consented to their assault, nor to for-profit private networks and YouTube publishing images of their ultimate demise/assault. If the law is to be consistent, why is censorship applied to one victim who did not consent, but not to the other who also did not consent? Inside, I abhor child abuse, as I do child abuse generally, and murder. Yet, one is legally suitable to publish images of while the other it is not. Surely they all are equally abhorrent, aren’t they?

Without entering into the debate of whether a child can or cannot consent to sexual acts, beyond the preceding paragraph, I’d like to explore the issue purely from the perspective that; the state has deemed it illegal for a third party, unconnected to the crime, to possess an image showing that crime.

Does holding a picture, even of a crime, harm anyone?

No. For example: if you watch an evening news article depicting a criminal act, like the 911 terrorist attacks, you watching that crime harmed no one. The actual criminals depicted did the damage. What if you derived some peculiar satisfaction from seeing that crime committed, is anyone now harmed? Again, the answer is no, your state of mind is irrelevant. But, what happens when we replace that crime with another, more abhorrent crime? Does the rule somehow change? No, and that includes an image of a possible crime against a child. It is those depicted in the image, actually committing the criminal act, who may be guilty of harm.

Around the world, millions of news, CCTV and personal cameras capture images of many violent criminal acts, the viewing of which harms no one. Indeed, capturing such images enhances our ability to prosecute those criminals depicted in the footage. Juries view footage of crimes as evidence regularly, are jurors guilty of committing a crime by viewing images? Of course not. What if a juror derived satisfaction from the image, are they now guilty? Again, the answer must be no. If you record, photograph, paint, draw or sketch a picture of a crime from reality, or from your imagination, you are not harming anyone.

Is viewing child-pornography profiteering from a crime?

This is a slippery slope argument: Many private news and media outlets, in their quest for ratings (profit), often show crimes (even occasioning death). Should government censor our private news and media outlets? Not without violating our freedom of speech and expression, among other natural rights. As mentioned above, capturing images of crimes increases our ability to bring those culprits in the footage to justice, often providing key evidence against the criminal who otherwise may have gotten away with their crime.

Availability of child pornography increases the number of paedohphiles.

Claiming: ‘the internet may increase accessibility to child pornography, which increases demand and therefore swells the ranks of actual paedophiles’, is a non sequitur argument. Do we have waves of people invading Germany because of the abundant WWII documentaries produced, or surging numbers of serial killers due to ubiquitous TV programmes featuring real or simulated killing? The answer is no and no. Paedophiles did not arrive on the back of high-speed broadband. Michael Teague, senior lecturer in criminology at the University of Teesside and a former probation worker with sex offenders explains: “One of the most common things I hear is ‘Why has there been this rise?’ The reality is there hasn’t been - it’s always been there but the internet has focused attention and brings it out in a way it didn’t before. We’ve just become more aware it’s there.”

It is undeniable that many paedophiles possess child pornography, for them such images complement their physical acts with the child.

However, on a macro level, does child pornography act more as a complement, or as a substitute, to child abuse? Contrary to popular belief, powerful evidence from the University of Hawaii suggests that decriminalised child pornography may actually to lead to less child abuse, as pornographic images are seen as a substitute for the physical act of abuse itself. Results from the Czech Republic study showed, “… as seen everywhere else studied (Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sweden, USA), that rape and other sex crimes have not increased following the legalisation and wide availability of pornography. And most significantly, the incidence of child sex abuse has fallen considerably since 1989, when child pornography became readily accessible – a phenomenon also seen in Denmark and Japan.”

Increased control of the internet, and your life, the true aim of government.

The tendency of the state is to expand, to regulate, and to increase its invasion into your private life. To achieve this the state has always sought some practice universally reviled, and pose as the one and only way of expunging it from society. The best example today is child pornography. Governments have always sought to curtail the freedoms, expression and communication of the citizenry, from feudal European Princes’ regulating newspapers in the wake of Gutenbergs’ newly invented printing press, to today’s internet and private Internet Service Providers. Remember, it is the same government seeking to regulate your internet and invade your privacy under the duplicitous pretence of protecting your children, that simultaneously murders children around the word, with your money, and in your name!

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”
~William Pitt, youngest ever British Prime Minister, Speech in the House of Commons (18 November, 1783).

A Solution?

While decrying the harming of children, it should be noted that even a totalitarian state would struggle to eradicate child abuse totally. There may be no panacea for this issue, but we could do an awful lot more to pursue the actual paedophiles those images may reveal. For example, the “War on Drugs” has been a $Trillion failure. Instead of pursuing, prosecuting and jailing 1,000s of people for the victimless crime of enjoying a chemical high, we could: legalise drugs, ending the failed drug war, freeing up immense police and judicial resources which could be better allocated, like towards apprehending paedophiles and other actually violent criminals.

As with most well-intentioned government regulations, the ones being protected by regulations are often the ones harmed most by them. Professor Amy Adler, in her March 2001 Colombia Law Review article: “The Perverse Law of Child Pornography”, argues:

“… these laws, intended to protect children from sexual exploitation, threaten to reinforce the very problem they attack.”

We all share a common goal: to see as few children abused as possible. The aforementioned study from the University of Hawaii suggests a strong correlation between the decriminalisation of child pornography with decreases in child abuse. Surely this correlation is worth exploring, free from prejudices. “While the study’s authors do not approve of the use of real children in the production or distribution of child pornography, they say that artificially produced materials might serve a purpose.”

This is an emotive topic, and I will do my best to respond to questions from readers. My purpose in writing this article was to:
•Explore the popular logic underpinning these censorship laws; and
•Proffer possible solutions, particularly in light of the University of Hawaii’s study, PDF available here.
Thank you.

  • AlexMacDonald7

    So to follow on from your argument: If it harms no one to view this image, then it must be okay. Well that of course would assume that the persistent viewing of horrible acts - spread around the internet - do not continuously harm those affected - which is of course a load of nonsense. There is no consent in child abuse, hence abuse. You can’t say that the beneficaries of a crime should be able to go free because it doesn’t hurt anyone NOW. The motive of these sorts of crimes are more than likely to send these images out to the internet to allow people to view these disgusting images. So your initial point falls. A good reason these crimes exist is to send them out via the web.

    But let’s say you are right: It genuinely does not harm anyone. Then, fine. Surely you’d have no objection to selling these images either?

    Well… someone could make a business out of exploiting little kids?

    Surely that is the next logical step? If you have no moral issue with people viewing these images, then do you have a problem with trading these images for money?

    Because that is what happens with these images. They are traded for money at the expense of those poor kids. How you can possibly make a case against that makes me sick.

    Linking the idea of watching a murder take place on YouTube and being actively dependent on child pornography to become sexually aroused is in no way shape or form similar. Surely that is obvious?!

    I’ve tried to look at this argument from a rational way, and the only conclusion I have been able to come to is this: Shame on this blog for posting this nonsense.

    • Libertarian Emily

      Your first 2 sentences are non sequitur, and I address that in the fourth paragraph of the article.

      I address your your profiteering argument under a specific subheading.

      I agree, the child cannot consent to sex - just as the murder victims did not consent to being murdered and having footage of their demise used by private for profit networks and YouTube. If you are going to be consistent, why do you only limit your censorship to 1 victim who did not consent, but not to the other?

      • David McNeilage

        The comparison is farce. You assume the rights of the deceased to be equal to that of the living. Distribution of murder images can do no further harm to the victim - They are already dead. Distribution of child abuse will do further harm to those children throughout their lives.

        • Libertarian Emily

          That is a very slippery slope case you are making: If the child is killed in the act, you are arguing that “distribution of murder images can do no further harm to the victim.” In other words, if the child dies in the making of the abusive image, it should be OK to possess then?

          I also hyperlinked video of a nanny physically abusing a child, although not sexually (thankfully). Are you suggesting that the parents who caught the image of abuse on their nanny-cam, the news networks, YouTube, and anyone else who now has possession of that footage have harmed the beaten child?

          I’m trying to point out the inconsistency: that we criminalise possession of one certain form of child abuse while others, like the also physically abusive nanny, are ok to possess.

      • AlexMacDonald7

        “This argument is also true of a murder victim, who also neither consented to their killing, nor to for-profit private networks and YouTube publishing images their ultimate abuse/demise.”

        No. There is a distinct difference. Crimes committed to these kids are performed with the intent of sending photos/videos out to the masses. By liberalising laws of ownership I believe - in opposition to your evidence provided - that you would see an increase in use and demand.

        • Libertarian Emily

          “No. There is a distinct difference. Crimes committed to these kids are performed with the intent of sending photos/videos out to the masses.”
          Terrorist crimes are also designed to garner as much access to the masses and media attention are they not? Indeed, one could call the act of child molestation an ‘act of terror’, yet one image of terror is legalised while the other is not.

          “By liberalising laws of ownership I believe - in opposition to your evidence provided - that you would see an increase in use and demand.”

          Fair enough. The evidence cited disagrees with your assumption, however.

      • Mark Woodworth, Ph.D.

        People do not produce photos of their murder victims for a market. Apples and oranges.

        • Libertarian Emily

          Do not “terrorists” seek maximum dissemination of their acts?

          Pedophiles committed their acts before the age of internet, as Michael Teague explains: “One of the most common things I hear is ‘Why has there been this rise?’ The reality is there hasn’t been – it’s always been there but the internet has focused attention and brings it out in a way it didn’t before. We’ve just become more aware it’s there.”

  • Carol Croft

    What’s “legal child pornography”?

    • Libertarian Emily

      Whatever the state deems legal. The evidence provided suggested various countries decriminalised it, at different points in time, actually saw a reduction in child abuse. Why?

      • Carol Croft

        The concepts of child and porn don’t make sense. Pornography is between and about consenting adults. Children by definition are not equipped to male informed decisions about engaging in sexual activity by/for or with adults.

        • Libertarian Emily

          Personally I agree with you, children are unable to consent to sex, or to most things, as adults can. The images of child pornography are images of a crime against the child, perpetrated by the person who induced the child. In effect, the images are evidence of the crime itself, the act of abuse.

          Like a molested child, the murder victims did not consent to being murdered, or having their images of their ultimate demise distributed by private for-profit businesses. Can you reconcile publishing one and not the other when both are violated, against their consent?

          • Carol Croft

            I can see no reason why images of the murder victim should be published. Is that possible in the UK?

          • Libertarian Emily

            In the UK it is. The News and YouTube links in the article show that these images are legally available, virtually word wide.

            Would you then prohibit News and YouTube from showing images of those crimes also?

          • Carol Croft


          • Libertarian Emily

            Fair enough. But, by doing so you’d violate freedom of speech and expression (the USA’s First Amendment).

            I’m glad that images of crimes are available. For example, many crimes are solved, and criminals convicted, on the back of picture and video evidence. Without that evidence they may get away with their crime and go on abusing children.

            The aforementioned study from the University of Hawaii suggests that there is a direct correlation between available child pornography with decreases in child abuse. “While the authors do not approve of the use of real children in the production or distribution of child pornography, they say that artificially produced materials might serve a purpose.”:


  • Carol Croft

    You cannot be seriously offering up this reference as ‘evidence’? “Contrary to popular belief, evidence suggests that legal child pornography may actually to lead to less child abuse, as pornographic images are seen as a substitute for the physical act of abuse itself.”

    • Libertarian Emily

      The “evidence” is from:
      The Pacific Centre for Sex and Society, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii. Published by the United States Government courtesy of, which is maintained by the National Library of Medicine, and The National Institutes of Health.

      Did you click the link, at least?

      • Carol Croft

        Yes I did click on the link to the abstract. There’s ‘evidence’ that vaccination is linked to autism - that assertion does not make it true. Show me a case where a child-sexual abuser has successfully argued that his collection of child-abuse images is a prophylactic against the actual abuse of children? Where are the studies with convicted child-abusers subject to treatment and study that support your assertions? Do you have professional knowledge/contact with such perpetrators? The extent of abuse in our society is only just now beginning to be recognised - any attempt at legitimising or condoning abusive behaviours risks further damaging the children.

        • Libertarian Emily

          The evidence from the Pacific Centre for Sex and Society, suggests that decriminalised child pornography coincided with a reduction in child abuse. The hyperlinked article from Forbes also cited this study. Surely anything that coincides with a reduction in child abuse is worth discussing, at the very least.

          • Carol Croft

            I’m afraid unless research is published and clearly subject to challenge then it is of no evidential value. Interrogating the hypothesis, the methodology and validating the interpretation of any conclusions along with consideration of peer-reviews would be my starter for ten.

          • Libertarian Emily

            I cited published research, that is subject to challenge and review.

            “Results from the Czech Republic showed, as seen everywhere else studied (Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sweden, USA), that rape and other sex crimes have not increased following the legalization and wide availability of pornography. And most significantly, the incidence of child sex abuse has fallen considerably since 1989, when child pornography became readily accessible – a phenomenon also seen in Denmark and Japan. Their findings are published online in Springer’s journal Archives of Sexual Behaviour…

            The findings support the theory that potential sexual offenders use child pornography as a substitute for sex crimes against children.”


  • Libertarian Emily

    Paedophiles, adults who harm children, are monsters no question. Child pornography is evidence, evidence of a crime. It reveals the paedophiles. If people possess evidence, that doesn’t mean that they committed the crime in the image. Indeed, that evidence is relied upon to bring that paedophile to justice.

    If paedophiles are stupid enough to record and sell images of their crimes, it is not the customer who is at fault. The customer didn’t harm the child. It is the paedophile, the one who ‘created’ the image, who harmed the child.

    Not only that, the convicted paedophile should pay:
    Restitution to their victim.
    Account of profits from their ill gotten gains.
    The costs of their own incarceration, the victim’s parents shouldn’t have to pay.

  • Simon Gibbs

    I recommend choosing a different battlefield to die on.

    • Libertarian Emily

      Thank you for the advice.
      For the sake of achieving the shared goal; to see as few children
      abused as possible, particularly in light of the University of Hawaii’s

      “I have always been of the opinion of that unpopularity earned by doing what is right in not unpopularity at all, but glory.”
      ~Marcus Tullius Cicero

  • Louis Davies

    I suppose the issue I have with this is that buy allowing consumers to consume child pornography you may be giving paedophiles larger incentives to produce the pornography.

    • Libertarian Emily

      Hi Louis,

      The University of Hawaii study acknowledged the problem: that despite availability of pornography may reduce the total number of children abused, a small number of children are still harmed to produce the material. What about those children? Perhaps, technology can help:

      “While the authors do not approve of the use of real children in the production or distribution of child pornography, they say that artificially produced materials might serve a purpose.”

  • Mark Woodworth, Ph.D.

    The market for these horrible materials is being attacked. This is the point, No one should have these images. If they do, their purchase is fostering the makers to gain an incentive to make the pornography. And that is where the innocent children are harmed.

    • Libertarian Emily

      Your concern is addressed under the subheading “Availability of child pornography increases the number of paedohphiles.”

  • Andy Preece

    While i respect your having the balls to critically discuss such a touchy issue, and agree with some of your points, you’ve left out a crucial element. The propagation of these images is a gross invasion of the privacy of the children concerned. If you discovered naked pictures or sex videos of yourself on the internet being distributed without your consent, you would sue whoever was responsible and insist that the images or videos be removed from the internet. Your argument works, but as an addendum you must procure the consent of the child/children concerned, and something tells me you’d have a hard time at that.

    • Libertarian Emily

      Hi Andy. Thank you for your praise, it was a delicate piece to write. A lot of people have strong beliefs, refusing to even look at the evidence.

      Personally, I agree with you that it is an invasion of privacy, but you do not have a right to privacy per se. Murray Rothbard, with whom Walter Block agreed, wrote: “…there is no such thing as a right to privacy except the right to protect one’s property from invasion.” So, privacy is an extension of property rights. You have a right to be secure in your property, and not molested from an intruder.

      But, even if you disagree with me on those points, and such a right to privacy of the child exists as you say, then the trespasser of that “right” again is the person who created the image, and it is with him alone where recourse lies - not an unconnected 3rd party.

      Yes, I’d be horrified if there were nude photos of me as a child on the WWW. As a result, the person who took them would have to make a very very high restitution to me.

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